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UC Davis taps donors for student support

The current Crowdfund UC Davis project offers donors the opportunity to support undergraduate students. The Undergraduate Research Center and experiential learning programs seek financial support from alumni, faculty and the community to enhance student learning experiences, near and far.


Faith is a 3rd year English and Design major who is passionate about design and how it can revolutionize everyday objects. Madilynn is a 3rd year landscape and architecture design student who focuses on community involvement and connection to landscape. 

Both Faith and Madilynn’s research is called “OppoSits” excerpt below:


By Faith Arnett and Madilynn Abe

Mind Over Matter

Ember is a 4th year Psychology student who transferred from a small community college in  San Jose California. Embers’ research takes place at the  T-PAL (Translational Psychophysiology and Assessment Lab) lab at the Center for Mind and Brain Institute which focuses on working with people with intellectual disabilities. 

Ember found this specific area of research through a Psychology newsletter and applied there. 

Pair Bonding in the Bales Lab

Albatool is a 5th year Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior major and a Psychology minor from Saudi Arabia. She moved from Saudi Arabia to the United States in 2019 for her undergraduate education at UC Davis. Albatool’s field of research is neurobiology of pair bonding in the Bales Lab.


Lauren Ward - Evolution, Ecology and Biodiversity

Among the coastal dunes at the UC Davis Bodega Marine Laboratory or the fields of wildflowers at McLaughlin Natural Reserve, you might find Lauren Ward, a senior undergraduate student with the Gremer lab collecting plants and soil for research where her passion resides in plant-microbe interactions and finding answers to bigger questions in ecology.

UC Davis Graduate Student Recognized at SACNAS with Life Sciences Award

At the end of October, SACNAS held its National Diversity in Stem Conference, where UC Davis Graduate student Jasmine Esparza won the SACNAS Life Sciences award for her poster presentation. 

With over 1,000 other poster presentations, Esparza won for her “MCAF2 directs meiosis-specific regulation of H3K9 methylation,” a research project she had worked on the past year. 

UC Davis Represents at SACNAS in San Juan, Puerto Rico

Over 45 UC Davis students, faculty, and staff attended this year's 2022 SACNAS National Diversity in STEM (NDiSTEM) Conference held in San Juan, Puerto Rico (October 27-29, 2022).  NDiSTEM is the largest multidisciplinary and multicultural STEM diversity event in the country with the goals to equip, empower, and energize participants for their academic and professional paths in STEM.  The Undergraduate Research Center (URC), in partners

NSF CAMP Scholars Showcase their Research in the 2021 NSF LSAMP/CAMP Statewide Virtual Symposium

UC Davis students, faculty, administrators and staff celebrated the accomplishments of undergraduate research scholars from across the state at the 2021 NSF LSAMP/CAMP Statewide Virtual Research Symposium (see linked video), featuring research presentations of CAMP Scholars from 9 UC campuses, with 12 scholars from UC Davis participating.  Lolita Adkins, the UC Davis CAMP program manager, and Nhi Tran, the UC

Student Manages Pain with Paint

Sid Ganesh, one of the exhibitors at the 30th Annual Undergraduate Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities Conference Art and Design Exhibit on April 26th, 2019 shares how her experience as a co-director of the Joan Viteri Memorial Clinic has influenced her art and her research.  Learn more about her story and see more of her watercolor series "The Art of Harm Reduction" in the full article posted by Greg Watry for the College of Biological Scie

Medalist Joleen Cheah Stretches Cells and Her Capabilities

The Winner of the  Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research in June 2019 and the Hanson Family Undergraduate Research Publication Award in 2018, among many other accolades, Joleen Cheah began working in the Yamada lab as a Freshman and is moving on to Stanford University for her PhD.  Learn more about her journey and her passion for mechanobiology in this article posted by Greg Watry: