Two researchers working in an agricultural field

Plant, environmental and agroecology sciences fellowship

#PEAS #Plantsarecool

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Are you interested in getting hands on research experience in Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture sciences? Do you want to broaden your perspectives and understanding of plants, agricultural systems, and ecological approaches to management? Spend a summer leading your project and explore what it means to be a researcher, see if you like it!

PEAS is hosted by the Department of Plant Sciences in partnership with the Undergraduate Research Center (URC) to provide mentorship and financial resources for undergraduate students to engage with research and professional development opportunities in the field of agroecology, sustainable agriculture and relevant plant, soil and biological sciences. The goal is to gain experience in real-world settings, prepare you for a carrier in your field and create more inclusive pathways for undergraduates from different backgrounds to meaningfully engage in research.

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Fellows will propose a project that they will be responsible for developing and managing over the summer with mentorship from project partners and UC faculty, staff and graduate students. This may take many forms, depending on the area of study, and is intended to provide a dedicated period in the summer for research when academic activities are typically light. Research may take place at UC Davis, research stations, on-farm, in farming communities and private and non-profit organizations. Fellows will have opportunities to participate in workshops proposed by the URC and receive a stipend and funds for travel, conference attendance and/or research supplies.

Program requirements

This program will provide 3 fellowships / year to candidates who meet the following criteria.

  1. Be a continuing undergraduate student, not in their final year of study and enrolled through the completion of your projects.
  2. Be majoring in Plant Sciences and/or biophysical, socio-economic and political sciences with interests in agroecology and sustainable food systems. Student engaged in interdisciplinary Majors (IAD, SAFS) and indigenous studies are welcomed to apply.
  3. Participate in 1 unit course during the spring quarter to develop your project and mentorship structure.
  4. Conduct 8-10 weeks of full-time research over the summer.
  5. Present results at the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities Conference.
  6. Students from underrepresented minorities are encouraged to apply. Your inclusion in this group is based on the ethnicity identity you reported to UC Davis at time of admission.

Financial support for scholars

  • Summer stipends for each Fellow of $3,500
  • $1,500 for supplies and materials and/or travel funds needed to carry out your studies.


  • Application now open
  • Notice of acceptance - TBA
  • Project development - 1 credit course, Spring
  • Research and professional development period - Summer



  • Priority Deadline: TBA (for a summer start)
  • Final Deadline: TBA
  • Required recommendation letters (for scholars only) due TBA

Faculty Director and PI: Dr. Amelie Gaudin,


Office 2136 PES | Lab 2133 PES

Administrative Director: Lolita Adkins,

Undergraduate Research Center, 2300 Student Community Center

A circular icon with a thin crescent around the edge of the  bottom 2/3 of the icon and a leaf pattern from two sets of two curved lines converging where leaves sprout.