photo outdoors with trees in background of MURPPS participants with Program Manager and program PI



Mentorship for Undergraduate Research Participants in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MURPPS) is a UC Davis undergraduate mentoring program funded by the Office of the Dean, College of Letters & Science and is administered through the Undergraduate Research Center.  The program is designed to increase the number of underserved students who pursue graduate studies in the physical and mathematical sciences by offering students the chance to work with professors on research projects relevant to their major. The goal of MURPPS is to help create a diverse post-graduate population in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

MURPPS at UC Davis aims to recruit and retain students in Mathematical and Physical Sciences, facilitate their academic success, and encourage their transition to graduate study.  Faculty-mentored research experiences play a large role in the program and MURPPS Scholars actively participate in research for 30+ hours/week during the summer and 10 hours/week throughout the academic year.  

MURPPS logo (web of different colored shapes and symbols inside the shape of a lightbulb)


Program benefits

MURPPS offers the following benefits:

  • Faculty research mentors help students formulate their research interests and develop their research skills.  Faculty also write stellar letters of recommendation for students applying to graduate school.
  • Students gain extensive research experience (year-round), including help choosing a faculty research mentor
  • Academic and professional development workshops and seminars provide information on such topics as scientific communication, creating a scientific poster, strengthening academic and communication skills, and more
  • Individual academic and holistic advising/coaching is provided for each student several times throughout the quarter
  • Students gain leadership, communication, and presentation skills
  • Students build their MPS research identity/profile
  • Educational, social, and networking enrichment opportunities are provided to scholars
  • Community-building experiences are offered to students (and faculty) with similar academic, personal, and professional interests
  • A summer research program provides students the opportunity to work closely with a faculty mentor during the summer, when applicable.
  • Scholars receive quarterly and summer research stipends (scholars only)
  • Scholars participate in the Undergraduate Research Conference and other conferences and symposia
  • Graduate school field trip opportunities are available to participants

Financial support for scholars

  • $1,000/quarter
  • Summer stipends range from $500-$3,500 (TBD based on options for summer programming)

MURPPS contacts

Faculty Director and PI: Annaliese Franz
Administrative DirectorLolita AdkinsUndergraduate Research Center, 2300 Student Community Center, Office of Undergraduate Education


Application Information and Deadlines


Application is due Sunday, April 13, 2025, by 11:59 p.m.

Application materials include:

  • MURPPS Online Application
  • Personal statement
  • College Transcripts are required for new fall transfers only.
  • Letters of Recommendation are required for scholar applicants only and are due by Sunday, April 13, 2025 (If you need more time for a LOR, just ask at!)

Apply to MURPPS