UC Davis Represents at SACNAS in San Juan, Puerto Rico
Over 45 UC Davis students, faculty, and staff attended this year's 2022 SACNAS National Diversity in STEM (NDiSTEM) Conference held in San Juan, Puerto Rico (October 27-29, 2022). NDiSTEM is the largest multidisciplinary and multicultural STEM diversity event in the country with the goals to equip, empower, and energize participants for their academic and professional paths in STEM. The Undergraduate Research Center (URC), in partnership with the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), sponsored several students to attend, present, and participate in this year's research and professional development conference of over 6,000 attendees.
Become a member of the SACNAS Chapter at UC Davis.
Click the link below to join.
Undergraduate Chapter: https://forms.gle/5qfSAcwpFJsiFiZn8
Grad Chapter: https://linktr.ee/gspdsacnasatucd