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- Do I need to register separately from the abstract submission?
- No. For the URSCA conference the registration form and abstract submission is all in one. We advise reading the instruction steps before submitting and conferring with your faculty sponsor before submitting.
There is a point in the registration where you can save your registration and come back later to make corrections and/or complete the application. Be sure to submit by the deadline, though! - What if I haven’t finished my research project? Can I still present?
- Yes! In fact, many of the projects that are presented each year are in progress. You can submit what is known as a “promissory abstract”, using the future tense for activity yet to take place. For information about writing abstracts see our page: Undergraduate Research Center - How to Write an Abstract for the Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities Conference and review the instructions on Abstract Submission and Presenter Information 2025 | Undergraduate Research Center.
- Can I present as part of a team?
- Yes. We allow up to 4 students per poster presentation (if more than 4 students, they will need to split up into multiple teams of 4 or less). For oral presentations, there can be up to 6 and each will still have their own 15 min slot in the same room of the same session. Each team member must register independently and will list their other team members and submit the same title and abstract.
- Is there a capacity limit?
- Yes. Limiting factors include facility, cost and staffing constraints.
- How are the abstracts selected?
- When you fill out your registration information you will fill in your faculty sponsor’s name and email. The system will automatically send an email to your faculty sponsor with a link to approve or reject your abstract. So, it’s a good idea to work with your faculty sponsor before submitting! Don’t let it be a surprise!
- What should I do if my faculty person rejects my abstract?
- If your faculty member wants further corrections, and the deadline has not passed, you will be able to go back and make edits. The rejection process puts your registration back into a saved status.
- Can I make changes to my abstract after it has been submitted?
- IF your faculty sponsor has not already approved it AND if it is still before the deadline, you can contact the URC if you need to make an edit. We will reset your submission back to “Saved” status so you can go back in and make corrections. All abstracts are considered final once approved. Please make every effort to work with your faculty sponsor to have the abstract ready to be approved in the system.
- What if I need to change my presentation format that I initially chose?
- At this time, we are unable to accommodate changes to presentation formats or session times due to the large number of participants in the URSCA Conference. If you have a conflict and can no longer participate, please contact us at Updated 3/13/25
- When will I be notified of official acceptance?
- After the final deadline it can take a few weeks to finalize the registration. You will be notified by email.
- Who will be in attendance, and do they need to register?
- The conference is free and open to the public and no registration is required. The attendees will be from across the greater campus community: students, faculty, staff as well. You are encouraged to invite research colleagues and fellow creators and designers, as well as family and friends. There will be a faculty moderator who will come to hear your presentation, ask questions, provide feedback, and present you with a certificate of participation in the Conference. Attendees sometimes include students from community colleges and members of the broader Davis Community. We encourage all presenters to attend other presentations.
- What should I do to prepare to present?
- There will be a mandatory prep info session to attend for all poster and oral presenters. The Arts and Design Exhibitors will have an additional meeting before then to discuss their exhibit needs. We will have workshops on creating effective academic posters and doing presentations and we have resources on our website also. Our presenter info page, will be your one stop shop for information on workshops and resources to help you prepare. We also send out workshop reminders via email directly to presenters.
- I just graduated in Fall and am eligible to present but the system won’t let me in. What do I do?
- The system is set up to provide access to only UC Davis students, so if you are planning to present but graduated in the Fall, you will need to email us and we will send you a google form link so you can provide us with all the needed registration information and your abstract title and abstract so our staff can enter it manually into the system for you. You will receive an email notification once it’s submitted by our staff and your faculty sponsor will receive their notification email also.
- How do I get my poster printed?
- The URC will provide poster printing for free. Details about the poster printing through ReproGraphics will be provided to presenters via email after conference acceptance notifications have gone out.