Session dates and times
Poster sessions and arts and design exhibit
1-5 p.m. Friday, April 25
Poster Session A: 1-2 p.m.
Poster Session B: 2-3 p.m.
Poster Session C: 3-4 p.m.
Poster Session D: 4-5 p.m.
Arts and Design Exhibit 1-5 p.m.
University Credit Union Center
Enter building at Northeast entrance
All Conference activities including presenter check-in are on the main floor of the Center.
Oral sessions
1-4:30 p.m. Saturday, April 26
Session 1: 1-2:30 p.m.
Session 2: 3-4:30 p.m.
Wellman Hall
Conference headquarters at Wellman Hall, Room 107
Poster Printing Information
Poster printing information will be emailed to all poster presenters.
Poster size: 48"wide x 36"high (most common orientation, but you can also chose portrait - 36"wide x 48" high.)
You can not use the UC Davis official seal but you can use the UC Davis wordmark.
Presentation day instructions for presenters:
Information is subject to change, please check back closer to event dates.
Check in: Please try to arrive no later than 10-15 minutes before your session starts. If you arrive after the session starts - your badge and lanyard will still be there for you at the check in tables!
- Check in at the north east lower level entrance of the University Credit Union Center. All conference activities including presenter check in will be on the main floor (lower level). If you enter from street level, go downstairs. Enter from street level if you need the elevator and take the left corridor to proceed to the south west corner. Pick up your badge and lanyard at the check-in tables (north wall of main floor.)
- Session changeover: Each session uses the same set of poster boards. Announcements will be made to signal when it is time for the presenters of the session that is ending to take down their posters and for the presenters of the session that is starting to put theirs up. Pins will be provided on the poster boards.
- Faculty moderators and certificates: A faculty moderator will present you with your certificate of participation at your session. If for some reason you do not receive your certificate from a faculty moderator, please inform the URC Staff at the info table so we can make sure you get your certificate and so you are not recorded as a "no show"!
- Support your colleagues: Visit the Arts and Design Exhibit, other poster sessions and attend the oral sessions!
- Check in: Presenter Check in will take place from 12:00 - 12:45 p.m. in Room 107 Wellman Hall. Pick up your badge and lanyard.
- Presentation technology: Your presentation needs to be ready to play from Google Slides. If you initially designed the slide show in another application, upload it and test in Google slides before you come to present. There could be format issues to fix. There will already be a laptop hooked up in the room.
- Using Google Chrome you will log into your Google account and play your slide presentation from there (all presentations must be played from the laptop browser) and then log out from your Google account when done.
- Support your colleagues: Oral presenters are expected to remain during the entire session. We encourage you to attend the other session as well!
- Faculty moderators and certificates: There will be a faculty moderator in each room with a "2-minute" sign to signal when 10 or so minutes will be up so there will be time for questions from the audience. The Moderator will hand each presenter their certificate at the end of the session.