Congratulations to the 2024 Award Recipients for the Dean Keith Simonton Prize for Creativity in Undergraduate Research!
Shreya Chandra - Aerospace Science and Engineering
Jennifer Phelan - Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior
Madeline Rose - Cognitive Science
The Dean Keith Simonton Prize for Creativity in Undergraduate Research is an annual award instituted in 2021 to support and encourage early and continuing undergraduate research by UC Davis students performed with guidance by UC Davis faculty. The award is made possible through a generous endowment by Distinguished Professor Emeritus Dean Keith Simonton, who started his own research career as an undergraduate student. As Professor of Psychology at UC Davis, his research interests have particularly focused on the study of genius, creativity, greatness and the psychology of science.
This award recognizes creativity and/or potential for creativity in research or design projects for two undergraduate students based on the student’s current and proposed research plans, as well as the student's innovative spirit and motivation. The annual award(s) are administered each year in the Spring Quarter with a $1,000 prize awarded as a financial aid stipend* to each recipient.
Applicants must be:
- a currently enrolled UC Davis undergraduate student
- continuing/non-graduating undergraduate student at the time of the award (will be enrolled in fall quarter, not graduating in summer 2025, e.g., 2nd or 3rd year students, including transfer students)
- performing independent research under the guidance of a UC Davis faculty member
- in good academic standing (although the awardee(s) should be in good academic standing, GPA is not a criterion)
How to apply
- Fill out the online application form
- Submit a PDF with a summary of your research/design project (see details below)
- Request two recommendation/support letters; one must be from your faculty mentor/sponsor (see details below)
Details for the PDF summary of project:
- A single PDF application document (max 2 pages -- please title your document: Application_(students’ last name)_Creativity.pdf) that includes:
- 1) a summary of your current and proposed research or design project (images and figures/schemes are encouraged)
- 2) a statement of your independent contributions
- 3) a statement describing how/why your project embodies creativity
- Applications should be submitted by sending the PDF in an email to
- You will receive a confirmation email from when your file is received/uploaded
Letters of recommendation:
- Letters of recommendation should be a PDF file that is no more than 2 pages long, 12-point font, single spaced). Please use the following file name for the letter: Letter_(students’ last name)_Creativity.pdf
- Letters should be submitted by sending letter PDF in an email to
- It is the student’s responsibility to contact their letter writers; however, letter writers will also be emailed a reminder to submit their letter to by the deadline
Important Dates
Application Opens: February 5, 2025
Information Session: February 11, 2025
Application Closes: February 27, 2025
Letter of Recommendation Due: March 3, 2025
*Federal financial aid regulations require that all awards received by a student cannot exceed their financial aid need as determined by a congressional formula. It is possible, therefore, that the value of a prize could reduce some "Need Based" component of a student's package of financial aid awards. In these cases, the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office attempts first to reduce loan or work aid; fellowships, grants, or scholarships are only reduced as a last resort.