APPLICATION DEADLINE for SPRING 2025: 4/11/25 11:59 p.m.
Please follow all instructions carefully.
ALL DOCUMENTS MUST BE PDFs! Applications with non-PDF file uploads will not be accepted.
1. Online Cover Page Form. Fill out all fields on the online application at the "Submit Application" link at the bottom of this page. The Cover Page Form includes student contact information, expected date of graduation, major, college, GPA, units taken, faculty sponsors department, faculty sponsor’s name and email, name of lab (if project would be conducted in a lab), project title, brief project description ( a couple sentences), and requested budget total.
2. Describe the Proposed Project. Include a brief account of approaches/methods you intend to use; the time frame of when the work will be accomplished; discuss the context of this project to other research/creative projects (provide at least 3 research citations in the body of the narrative and in the references). Length: one page, single-spaced, 12 point font, Times/New Roman. Note: if necessary, research citations may be included on a second page.
2. Learning Potential and Relationship of Project to Educational Goals. Discuss the significance of this experience in relation to your academic and/or career plan (i.e., Why this project? What do you get from it?). Length: maximum 200 words.
4. Detailed Budget Outline and Justification Narrative.
While preparing your budget, please take into consideration the following:
PUF Budget Examples:
a. Budget Limit: Award requests may not exceed $1,500
b. Salaries are not funded.
c. Equipment (see d. for lab equipment): The Committee expects that applicants will have investigated the potential for sharing equipment/computer software/books commonly found on campus. Requests to purchase new equipment known to be widely used and already commonly found on campus require justification. Requests for computer software or books must be accompanied by a statement indicating the applicant has investigated the availability of the software or books in other units/computer labs/library on campus and has determined that purchase is the only way to complete the project. Non-expendable equipment purchased with Fellowship funds are to be retained by the PUF or by the sponsoring department, as appropriate, at the conclusion of the project and are to be available for use of future PUF projects. Common laboratory supplies typically found in laboratories (e.g. standard buffers, chemicals, glassware, disposables etc) are expected to be provided by the host PI, and only specialized chemicals and supplies required for the proposal project are permitted. Requests for common lab supplies should be accompanied by a justification for why the host lab cannot provide these materials or budget may be reduced by the reviewing committee.
d. Lab Equipment: Lab equipment is not generally an approved expense and should not be included unless sufficient justification can be provided. In the case that there is sufficient justification for small equipment and this is approved, any non-expendable equipment purchased with Fellowship funds are to be retained by the PUF or by the sponsoring department, as appropriate.
e. Travel requests are permitted if travel is necessary to complete the research. Requests for travel to conferences should be directed to the "Travel Awards" funding opportunity. Travel requests should reflect actual transportation and lodging costs, not "per diem" nor "mileage" calculations.
5. UC Davis undergraduate transcript.
Do not upload official transcripts! Third party protected files will not be accepted by the application system.
SisWeb transcripts are acceptable. Please make sure none of your files are password protected or third-party password protected.
6. Sponsoring Professor’s Recommendation. Upon the submission of your application, an email will be sent to your sponsoring professor asking them to upload the letter of support using a specific link. Professors will have until 4/14/25 to upload letters of support, so asking your sponsoring professor to get started on the letter well in advance of the PUF application deadline is strongly advised. LETTER MUST BE A PDF DOCUMENT.
NOTE: If your research involves the use of human subjects, vertebrate animals, radioactivity, or toxic chemicals, you should arrange with your sponsor to obtain any approvals required for use of such subjects or items. It is helpful if the faculty sponsor mentions these approvals in their letter.
Human Subjects Research: Please include your plans to attain an IRB determination. IRB determination/approval does not have to be complete at the time of application, but will be required before funds will be transferred for awarded projects.
If your project includes interviews, please attach a copy of your interview protocol.
Only applications that are complete and submitted on time will be considered. Please plan accordingly; we advise you to submit early to allow yourself time to address any technical issues that might arise in the submission process. Technical issues must be corrected and the application completed before the deadline or your application will not be accepted.
Any questions concerning the Provost’s Undergraduate Fellowship or the application process may be directed to the Undergraduate Research Center,
APPLICATION DEADLINE for SPRING 2025: 4/11/25 11:59 p.m.