• My poster presentation is blurry when I upload it .  What can I do?
  • We have learned that GoReact compresses files as they are uploaded.  For many presentations this will not have much effect, but for some presentations that a) use slides of posters without zooming in on areas or using additional close up slides of the poster, or b) have small fonts or small graphs, details may be too blurry.  However, you can choose to use a YouTube Link instead of uploading your presentation as a file.  This should improve the quality.  Please see the instructions HERE.  
  • What if I haven’t completed the mandatory prep session for conference presenters?
  • It is required that all student presenters attend a mandatory prep session prior to participating as crucial information is shared.  You will be contacted by the Conference Committee if you missed the sessions. 
  • I understand that traditionally we are only able to use pictures on our poster, but given that URC is virtual now, are we allowed to add short video clips?
  • Yes, this is absolutely allowed. Any mixed media and video content is allowed. Just remember that you need to keep the total presentation less than 15 min, and file size less than 2GB. (And as a cool note, I have seen examples at live professional conferences where the presenters attached an iPad attached to a poster as a way to show a video!)
  • What if I have a more interdisciplinary project that fits more than one session or I can’t decide which session to load my presentation in?
  • If you have a more interdisciplinary project that fits more than one session, you can choose to upload your video presentation in up to two of the conference sessions. This will potentially allow your video presentation to be viewed by more attendees. Note that if your video is uploaded in two conference sessions, there will be two parallel Q&As to monitor.
  • What if I have a classmate or graduate mentor who wants access to attend the virtual conference?
  • All UC Davis community members with active campus email addresses can be invited to the conference on GoReact. Please have them complete the 2021 Undergraduate Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities Conference Registration form in order to receive information about attending.  
  • How will I get feedback on my video presentation?
  • Feedback on presentations will be provided by moderators and fellow presenters through built-in GoReact features that allow video, audio and text comments. It is also expected that you will provide feedback on other presentations as well. To find out more about how to give feedback on the GoReact platform visit the Critiquing Videos reference.
  • When should I respond to feedback and questions?
  • Faculty moderators, fellow presenters and registered UC Davis campus faculty, students and staff members can provide feedback at any time from April 28th - May 1st.   In each comment section there is the ability to reply and actively engage audience members. We recommend checking in several times on each day to engage in feedback throughout the duration of the conference.   Review the guides on Reviewing Feedback, Critiquing Feedback and Editing Feedback to become familiar with how to continue the research dialogue.  
  • Will all of the videos be removed from GoReact.com after the conference? Does the company keep a copy of video files?
  • The video content is the property of the presenter and GoReact does not archive, keep or own anything. You (and the URC) will have the ability to delete video content when the conference is over. In fact, there is a warning when you delete your video that states GoReact cannot recover it. GoReact also does not access any content or use your content at all in any circumstances because it belongs to you. GoReact.com works with over 600 colleges and universities and this is their policy. Even if the content is not deleted by you (or the URC), they will not access or use your information.
  • What file types can be uploaded?
  • Almost any video file type from any video platform can be uploaded (GoReact will convert all videos to mp4 files upon uploading. Please upload one of the following video file types: MP4, M4V, MPG, WMV, MOV, AVI, 3GP, FLV, MKV, MTS, VP6, WMA, M4A, AAC, MP2, MP3. The length of time for videos is 15 minutes and the size limit for video files is 2GB. In addition to uploading a video file, you can also add a slide deck and/or PDF file (e.g. a PDF of your poster, the PDF of your abstract, etc). See more info on GoReact.com.
  • Why isn’t my video presentation uploading?
  • The two main reasons why uploads fail are a poor internet connection (too slow or inconsistent) and/or a large file. This guide will walk you through how to address most upload problems.
  • What is the deadline for uploading my video presentation on GoReact.com?
  • The deadline for uploading video presentations is  April 23 by  11:59pm.  We have selected this earlier deadline for loading in hopes to diminish complications from technical issues that might arise.