Metzli Montero
Metzli Montero, Junior, Applied Physics - Chemistry, 2022
Research Program: MURPPS
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Valentin Taufour
Research Title: Electrosynthesis of Cu_xBi_2Se_3
Hometown: Montclair, CA
Three words to describe me: Curious, Creative, Meticulous

What are your future plans and/or goals?
I plan to go to graduate school to obtain a PhD in Physics and eventually become a Physics Professor. I'm really interested in staying with my current research group and studying interdisciplinary topics like materials science and chemistry... and perhaps also explore biophysics when I have time.
In what ways has engaging in undergraduate research impacted your future goals and plans?
With research comes much possibility and independence. I've come to realize that I have many areas in which I can grow as an individual, student, and scientist. Engaging in undergraduate research has allowed me to explore my interests, learn more about what it means to be a physicist, and confront the unknown. I definitely think it has helped me ascertain that graduate school is in my future plans.
What contribution(s) will your research make to your field of study?
My area of research is interdisciplinary with physics, chemistry, and materials science. For reference, my research group studies materials synthesis methods and the properties of such materials. One particularly desired property is for a compound to superconduct, or to be really good/efficient at conducting electricity! So, for my first project, I was able to focus on electro-synthesis methods of synthesizing Copper Bismuth Selenide. The hope being that tests will be made on the crystals I make, and perhaps it will take us one step closer to finding a room temperature superconductor!
What preparation and research experience did you have before applying to your research program?
I did not have any prior research experience before asking to join my research group. Once I was a part of my group and given a project, I did decide to postpone its progress until I finished some undergraduate courses (like the general chemistry series) that I thought would help me prepare for my lab work.

What advice do you have for other undergraduate students seeking research experiences?
Don't be afraid to ask questions - be it for lab position openings, subject matter, etc. Sometimes, we are caught up in this loop of wanting to prove ourselves, wanting to be confident/independent, and not wanting to expose ourselves as "imposters"... But acknowledging that there is a network of professors, faculty, and peers here to support us on our academic journey is the first step into making any steep learning curve less so.
What else would you like us to know about you?
I really enjoy teaching, talking about science, and meeting new people! Aside from school, I volunteer at KDVS radio station as a Science and Conservation News Reporter as well as the UCD health clinic~ Clínca Tepati.