Listings of participants in URC programs.

Liyu Mekonnen

Liyu Mekonnen, Alumni

UR Program: CAMP

Faculty Mentor: David Gold, Earth and Planetary Sciences

Research Title: Combining Lipid Extractions and Gene Expression to Test Whether Sea Sponges Could Be Responsible for Precambrian Molecular Fossils

Dilasha Shenaz

Dilasha Shenaz, Alumni 

UR Program: CAMP

Faculty Mentor: Barbara Blanco-Ulate, Plant Sciences

Research Title: Developing New tools for Early Detection of Botrytis cinerea on Strawberry Fruit​

Cameron Vasquez

Cameron Vasquez, Alumni 

UR Program: CAMP

Faculty Mentor: Joanna Chiu, Entomology & Nematology

Research Title: Characterizing the Function of CLOCK Phosphorylation in Regulating Circadian Rhythms

Yali Bai

Yali Bai, Alumni 

UR Program: MURPPS

Faculty Mentor: Tiffany Lowe-Power, Plant Pathology

Research Title: Microbial Genome-Wide Association (GWA) Mapping with Scoary

Monica Ardon

Monica Ardon, Alumni 

UR Program:  CAMP 

Faculty Mentor: Sara Thomasy, Surgical & Radiological Sciences

Research Title: Effects of Probe Sizes Used in Cryo Injury in Relation to Corneal Healing Time 

Francisco Jackson

Francisco Jackson, Alumni

UR Program: MURPPS

Faculty Mentor: Christopher Fassnacht, Physics and Astronomy

Research Title: Limiting Gravitational Lensing Candidates through their Spectra

Lissandro Ortega

Lissandro Ortega, Alumni 

UR Program: CAMP

Faculty Mentor: Grey Monroe, Plant Sciences

Research Title: The Genomics of Plant Adaptation to Climate Change

Kareelynn Donjuan Fernandez

Kareelynn Donjuan Fernandez, Alumni, Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior 

UR Program: CAMP

Faculty Mentor: Wilsaan M Joiner, Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior 

Research Title: Spatial Generalization of Motor Adaptation Based Solely on Explicit Visual Feedback Compared to Implicit Learning with Dynamic Perturbations

Zachary Vito

Zachary Vito, Senior, Chemistry

Research Program: MURPPS

Faculty Mentor: Susan Kauzlarich, Chemistry

Research Title: The Effect of Brønsted Bases on the Synthesis of Ge Nanocrystals From GeI4

Angel Rodas

Angel Rodas, Senior, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

Research Program: CAMP

Faculty Mentor: Stephen K Robinson, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

Research Title: Deep Space Habitat