Welcome!  More events and details will be added.  Dates, Times,  and Zoom links may be subject to change, please check back for updates!

All Times listed are Pacific Daylight Time
Some events have Zoom Registration Links - you will be emailed the Zoom meeting link after registering.

Last Update:  10/13/2020, 9:18 a.m.



Global Learning Hub: Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Germany:  Undergraduate research is a great way to support your career preparation.  As part of Undergraduate Research Week and the Global Career Development Series, the Global Learning Hub is hosting an info session with two of our partners in Germany that offer wonderful research internship programs. Hear about options for virtual and in-person research. Fully funded opportunities as well as research projects where you can apply for a scholarship. STEM opportunities as well as other fields like entrepreneurship, psychology, and music.
Monday 10/12, 10:00 - 10:50 a.m.
Zoom Info:  https://ucdavis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAlcuitrzopHNco4yYvSSads6Rw08eRhys-

URC Discovery Café:  Undergraduate Research Award Opportunities:  Join the URC staff to learn when and how to apply for different URC award opportunities for undergraduate researchers, including the Chancellor's award, Hanson Family Publication award, Travel award (including virtual travel), PUF award and Lang Prize. For all majors!
Monday, 10/12, 2:10 - 3:00 p.m.
Zoom Info:  

How to Become a Psychology Researcher: Attend our faculty panel to learn how to find research positions in the Department of Psychology, the value of participation in undergraduate research, and how our undergraduate students contribute to research at UCD!
Monday 10/12, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Zoom Info:  

Information Session: Undergraduate Research in Chemistry Panel Part 1:  Join us for this informative discussion with faculty and graduate students. Learn about the benefits of conducting undergraduate research, where to look for opportunities, and how to engage faculty about their labs. The hope is to explain that, in spite of the pandemic and the challenge of distance learning, there are still ways to get involved with research in the upcoming academic year.  Featured Panelists:  Drs. Luise Berben, Kyle Crabtree, Sheila Davis, Annaliese Franz, and Marie Heffern.  RSVP attendance at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PXY83R9  
Monday 10/12, 5:10-6:30 p.m.
Zoom Info: 
https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/93102240389  Passcode: 709203

How to Prepare for a Research Project and Tips for Developing a Research Proposal:  In spite of the pandemic and the challenge of distance learning, there are still ways to build skills and prepare to get involved with research in the upcoming academic year by searching the literature and developing proposal ideas. Join Student Services Librarians' Melinda Livas, Sheena, Campbell, and Nancy Wallace to learn the core tenets of doing library research - where to start and how to find credible resources. You will also learn how to access library resources, i.e., downloading the VPN [Pulse Secure] while using various multidisciplinary databases to find resources. They will also offer tips and tricks for searching Google effectively.
Monday 10/12, 6:10 - 7:30 p.m. (This session will be recorded and posted to the URC website)
Zoom Info:  https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/96289130213 , Meeting ID: 962 8913 0213,  Passcode: 172836 (Reqd)



Berry M. Goldwater Scholarship:  Scott Palmer from Undergraduate and Prestigious Scholarships will share about the Goldwater Scholarship, which provides $7,500 in funding to sophomores and juniors planning research careers in the natural sciences, mathematics, and engineering.  Applicants need to be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, have a demonstrated interest in research, and competitive candidates will have a cumulative GPA of 3.8 or greater.  The webinar will cover the aims of the scholarship, application process, and how to become a competitive candidate.  Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions. 
Tuesday 10/13, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Zoom Info: Zoom Registration: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fPmGHIjOQYWgTfkjk1uQTQ

Student StartUp Center Info Session/Q&A:  Learn about entrepreneurship resources and programming for students at UC Davis.
Tuesday 10/13, 1:10 - 2:00 p.m.
Zoom Info:  

UCEAP Research and Fieldwork OpportunitiesLooking for a program that will allow you to conduct research abroad? In this session we’ll discuss where our study abroad research programs are located and the type of research opportunities that are available. Join this session to learn more about adding hands-on research or fieldwork to your résumé!
Tuesday, 10/13, 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.
ZOOM info:
 Registration: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIvd-ypqTgtGtRIbzvZysk5J4s1AT1UvD2e 

Discovery Café:  How to Get Involved in Research (HARCSS Focus):  Join the URC Staff for a presentation and Q&A on how to get involved in research with a focus on fields of study in the Humanities, Arts, Cultural Studies and Social Sciences. 
Tuesday 10/13, 2:10 - 3:00 p.m.
Zoom Info:  

Discovery Cafe:  How to Get Involved in Research (STEM Focus):  Join the URC staff for a presentation and Q&A to learn how to get involved in undergraduate research projects with a focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields. We will also include tips for preparing and building research skills during remote learning.
Tuesday 10/13, 3:10 - 4:00 p.m.
Zoom Info:

Info Session: Undergraduate Research in Chemistry Panel Part 2:  Undergraduate student researchers take center stage during this informative discussion. Hear about their experiences in research. Learn about where to look for opportunities, and how to engage faculty about their labs, and what it's like to work with faculty.  Featured Panelists:  TBD. RSVP attendance at  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Q2QV8GY
Tuesday 10/13, 4:10 - 5:30 p.m.
Zoom Info:  
https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/96674717524  Password - 849638

Writing Competitive Fellowship Applications:  Join Faculty Director to learn about submitting a competitive NSF graduate research fellowship. This workshop will provide advice for students applying this year or next year, and also useful information for other science/engineering fellowship applications
Tuesday 10/13, 5:10 - 6:00 p.m.
Zoom Info:  https://ucdavis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYtfuuoqTIjGtxuhCVevLRyPKIzKBziTR8V

How to Publish as an Undergraduate: Are you interested in publishing your research but don’t know where to start? Join Amy Goodman-Bide from the University Writing Program to learn about the publication process and undergraduate publishing opportunities. Explore how to work with an existing project or start from scratch, as well strategies for revising and editing.

Tuesday, 10/13, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Zoom Info:
https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/96297630298?pwd=WXN3dzBQOUorUDJzb1U0WC8zNjdGZz09, Passcode:  1076.

The Aggie Transcript Info Night: Interested in working for a student-run publication? Want to learn scientific editing and writing? Passionate about art, photography, and design? The Aggie Transcript is an undergraduate life sciences journal that publishes research, news, reviews, and art. Join us at our info night to learn about how to get involved with the journal. We will discuss our mission and history, how to submit writing to the journal, how to apply to the editorial board, and special roles involving design and illustration. Questions: contact aggietranscript@gmail.com.
Tuesday, 10/13, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Zoom Info: 
Zoom registration: 
tinyurl.com/atinfonight.  Facebook event:  https://bit.ly/3jCTZH3



Undergraduate Research Center Programs, NSF LSAMP/CAMP, McNAIR, MURPPS, and UC LEADS:  Learn about sponsored research programs for undergraduate students:  Featuring NSF LSAMP/CAMP, MCNAIR, MURPPS, and UC LEADS programs, which aim to recruit and retain diverse students (mostly STEM majors), facilitate their academic success, and encourage their transition to graduate study.  Faculty-mentored research experiences play a large role in these programs and Scholars actively participate in research and professional development activities during the summer and throughout the academic year.
Wednesday 10/14, 2:10 - 3:00 p.m.
Zoom Info: 

Funding Opportunities for Social Impact or Research Projects:  Do you want to make a difference in the world? Do you have a passion for helping others? We can provide the funding for you to embark on a global-focused humanitarian project as a Global Learning Hub Global Fellow volunteering domestically, internationally, or remotely. Learn about our grants programs, simple application process, and how to create a strong proposal. Join us to hear from a fellow who has participated in one of our programs and learn how you can benefit academically, professionally, and personally.
Wednesday, 10/14, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Zoom Info:  
https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/94657920190?pwd=a2c2eHVFWkFKWDZxRzRlcytwTnIvZz09&from=msft  Passcode: 993661

How to Create an Effective Research Poster:  Biology instructor, researcher and former URC advisor and program coordinator during graduate school at UC Davis, Ben Plourde will provide information on the essential elements and important tips on how to create an effective research poster for both in-person and virtual conferences. Designed for all disciplines/majors!
Wednesday 10/14, 3:10 - 4:00 p.m.
Zoom Info:  https://cccconfer.zoom.us/j/91031677714

Exploring Independent Research with the BioInnovation Group: Are you a student who wants to start or further your scientific career but not sure how? We meet students where they are and provide opportunities to be involved with independent research, skill development, and even company collaborations! Join us on October 14th to learn about the many programs we offer and how you can get involved.   
Click here to RSVP
Wednesday 10/14, 4:10 - 5:00 p.m.
Zoom Info:  https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/93347803597?pwd=bk8vWFVqNVIwOFNwZEc4Y3h4Zk4wQT09 

Advice for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as an Undergraduate Researcher:  Learn about imposter syndrome and how to confront it while hearing Undergraduate Research Ambassadors share their personal experiences and tips.
Wednesday, 10/14, 5:10 - 6:00 p.m.
Zoom Info
:  https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/93380109412

Undergraduate Research in the Physics Department:  Learn about undergraduate research opportunities and programs in the physics department.  Several undergraduate students will be available to answer questions.

Wednesday 10/14, 6:10 - 7:00  p.m.
Zoom Info:  https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/97392725056?pwd=Q1VUL2pTR1hoYnV0NlNRNXRlTkdIdz09 Meeting ID: 933 4780 3597
Passcode: big

Info Session/Q&A about Undergraduate Research with the Undergraduate Research Ambassadors:  Information and a Q&A session with a panel of Undergraduate Research Ambassadors who will share advice and their experiences as undergraduate researchers here at UC Davis.  For all majors! 
Wednesday 10/14, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Zoom Info:

How to Write an Email to Faculty to Convey Your Curiosity and Motivation to Get a Research Position:  Have you found a potential faculty advisor, but aren't sure how to approach them? Join this event to get tips on how to write a professional email to faculty and get your dream research position. For all majors!
Wednesday 10/14, 7:10 - 8:00 p.m.

Zoom Info:  https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/94313928647?pwd=T1c0alBWMjVIU2Ftb3YwYVBHaEczdz09




Plant Sciences Undergraduate Research Presentations: Join the Department of Plant Sciences to see examples of how our undergraduate students contribute to research at UC Davis!
Thursday 10/15, 12:10 - 1:00 p.m.
Zoom Info:

GDB Practicum Open House:  The GDB (Global Disease Biology) advising office will be displaying past practicum projects and discussing the process of the practicum from the students' and mentors' perspectives. We'll have a panel of students and faculty to answer your questions, so bring your questions! 
Thursday 10/15, 12:10 - 1:00 p.m.
Zoom Info: 
Zoom Registration: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcrd-iqqjgpHdU1Gf4GJMPklMJvF9iokfbi  

How to Get an Undergraduate Research Position:  For all majors! Join URC Program Manager Lolita Adkins for an interactive workshop to guide you through the steps to get an undergraduate research position.  Participants of this workshop should come prepared to work as we cover best practices on how to approach faculty members about a research position.  Within this active session, attendees will explore research ideas and possibilities, faculty within their research area(s) of interest, draft email(s) to faculty, and detail a contact action plan for the research position ask.
Thursday 10/15, 12:10 - 1:00 p.m.
Zoom Info: 

"Ask a Mentor"  Panel and Info Session: Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Including Collaborative Digital Projects.  Everything You Want to Know About Research in Humanities, Arts, Cultural Studies and Social Sciences (HARCSS):  Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences including collaborative digital projects: Join Yasmine Hachimi, the URC's Program Coordinator for the Mentor Mentee Program in the Humanities, Arts, Cultural Studies and Social Sciences, to learn about research in these fields.
Thursday 10/15, 4:10 - 5:00 p.m.
Zoom Info: 

UCD Arboretum and Public Garden Flash Talks: Lightning talks featuring three UCD students and the research they've conducted in the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden: “How carp biomass can affect water quality and algae blooms in the arboretum waterway.” -Kim Luke, Junior Specialist of the Center for Watershed Sciences, “Synchronized Blooms: do plant chemical signals enhance plant fitness?” - Naomi Murray, undergraduate majoring in Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity and “Research on the molecular mechanism underlying the formation of wasp galls” - Kasey Markel, Ph.D candidate in Plant Biology. Time will be reserved to answer audience questions, discuss the practice of research, and how it complements the university experience.
Thursday, 10/15, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Zoom Info
:  Zoom registration: 

Math Undergraduate Research Conference:  The Math Department will be hosting a research conference where students that have participated in research and faculty will share and discuss their experiences in doing Math research. Students will be able to get a vision for what research can look like and the opportunity to learn about getting involved with research throughout their UCD Undergraduate career. RSVP at https://forms.gle/wcJhjSrxRWEh7oYC6
Thursday 10/15, 2:10 - 4:00 p.m.
Zoom Info:  https://ucdavisdss.zoom.us/j/5307540820

CURE-ious about CUREs?  FYS-CURE Drop-in Info:  Join the First-Year Seminars team as we explain how First-Year Seminars – Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences can provide a great introduction to research at UC Davis. How can these courses benefit you? What can you expect from a CURE? How can you choose the right CURE for you? Answers to these questions and much more!
Thursday 10/15, 4:10 - 5:00 p.m.
Zoom Info:

Info Session: Undergraduate Research in Chemistry Panel Part 3:  Join us for this informative discussion with faculty and graduate students. Learn about the benefits of conducting undergraduate research, where to look for opportunities, and how to engage faculty about their labs. The hope is to explain that, in spite of the pandemic and the challenge of distance learning, there are still ways to get involved with research in the upcoming academic year.  Featured Panelists:  Drs. Jaqueline Gervay-Hague, Kristie Koski, and Dylan Murray.  RSVP at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PXY83R9
Thursday 10/15, 5:10 - 6:30 p.m.

Zoom Info:  https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/98505286477 Password - 404168

Communicating Your Research 101:  Do you have great research ideas or interesting results, but want to communicate them to a wider audience? Does your family have zero clue what it is you're studying and you want to tell them about it? Do you have a poster or platform presentation that needs a bit of polishing? Join URC TA Sarah Stinson to learn how to communicate your research effectively. We will cover everything from jargon-free content to stunning visuals to the importance of tone and body language. All are welcome!
Thursday 10/15, 6:10 - 7:00 p.m.
Zoom Info:  

Take it to the Next Level:  How Research Prepares you for Grad School:  Join Dr. Le Gall-Scoville, the staff coordinator of Pre-Graduate/Law Advising, to learn about how undergraduate research prepares you for graduate programs and professional schools. For all majors! 
Thursday 10/15, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Zoom Info: 




Student Startup Center Mentor Meetup:  Join the Startup Center to talk to a mentor who’s active in the startup world, from startup CEOs to investors! Listen to their unique insight about their experiences with startups, and come with questions. 
Friday 10/16, 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.  
Zoom Info:

Provost's Undergraduate Fellowship Info Session/Q&A: Join the URC Faculty Director to get advice about writing and submitting a Provost's Undergraduate Fellowship. Submit a fellowship in the fall quarter to fund your research in winter, spring and/or summer. For all majors!
Friday 10/16, 1:10 - 2:00 p.m.
Zoom Info: 
Zoom Registration:  https://ucdavis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwodOqorz0iH9UP31FQ8aPB552EWv4KMI5C 

Adventures in Biotechnology:  Join the President of Hygieia Biological Laboratories, Jim Wallis, to learn about what it is like to do research in the biotechnology industry.
Friday 10/16, 3:10 - 4:00 pm
Zoom Info:  https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/92924042515?pwd=SlNZZlFBa0FnUlJVOTZmZWhaS1Axdz09

Finding a Job or Internship and Overview of the ICCThis workshop will review how to use Handshake and other resources to find a career position, internship, work study position, or student employment. Internship and Career Center resources will be discussed, including research experience/opportunities, and we will review tips for applying.  
Friday 10/16, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Zoom Info: 

URC/NSF LSAMP/CAMP & MURPPS Information Session: We are recruiting new students to join the NSF CAMP (California Alliance for Minority Participation) and MURPPS (Mentorships for Undergraduate Research Participants in Physical and Mathematical Sciences) programs! The priority deadline to apply is Monday, October 19th. Come to final information session to learn more about these undergraduate research programs that aim to recruit and retain STEM, first generation, and low-income students, facilitate their academic success, and encourage research and their transition to graduate study.
Friday 10/16, 5:10 - 6:00 p.m. 
Zoom Info: 